100% Renewable Energy

the New Normal!

Get to know us!

Explore success stories, pioneers, best practices and policies from all over the world and see how 100% Renewable Energy is already reality today. Join Global 100% RE and become a catalyst of change.

Officers & Ambassadors

Our officers represent the membership and make decisions on strategy, policy, activities and projects. They are assisted in getting the platform message out by our able and experienced ambassadors.


Members & Supporters

Members of the Global 100% RE Platform significantly contribute in achieving the platform goals and developing its strategy. Members elect the Executive Committee every two years and consult regularly in conference calls.


100% RE Building Blocks  

Policy guidance on implementing the political target as well as assessing progress is crucial. Political decision makers and local champions need tools to realize the transformation within the sustainable development framework.



This electronic library stores information about 100% Renewable Energy in electronic media formats. Explore the following sections and learn more about pioneers, academic research, policy analyses, inspiring stories and exciting presentations.


Latest News

Manufacturing Software Supporting Renewable Energy Transition

MRPEasy, a leading manufacturing software, plays a pivotal role in this green transition by enhancing the efficiency and productivity of companies involved in renewable energy sectors...

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Payday Loan Lender Supporting Renewable Energy

InstaLoan24 is an online lender specializing in instant payday loans. They offer quick financial solutions to those in need of immediate cash. This service is part[…]

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World REnew Day 2020

Following the first World REnew Day in 2019, this year the pandemic made holding a follow-on event impossible. But the organizers wanted to celebrate the day in a personal and[…]

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REN21 GSR2020 Released!

“We need a Total Fossil Lockdown for a Climate Revolution” Growth in renewable power has been impressive over the past five years. But too little is happening in heating, cooling[…]

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Our Member Organisations

Members of the Global 100% RE Platform significantly contribute in achieving the platform goals and developing its strategy. Members elect the Executive Committee every two years and consult regularly in conference calls. Our current members, in no particular order: