WWEA and Global100RE call for renewable energy equipment for immediate humanitarian relief in Ukraine

Making 100% The New Normal

With the ongoing war in Ukraine, more and more areas in the country are cut off the electricity supply, including hospitals and other places which urgently require access to power.

In order to help civilians, the World Wind Energy Association WWEA and the Global 100% Renewable Energy Platform Global100RE (https://global100re.org/), supported by Global100RE Ambassador Ruslana (https://ruslana.ua/en/), are calling for donations of equipment which can supply power independently from the national grid, after all small and stand alone solar systems including batteries, power banks etc.

A first, major donation of over 1000 mobile solar sets is expected to reach Ukraine in the coming days and will be distributed in the country. This donation has been coordinated by the Berlin based Access to Energy Institute. (www.a2ei.org)

If you want to donate such renewable energy equipment, please get in touch with us via our online form or write us an email at

In-kind donations will be disseminated in Ukraine with the help of and coordinated by Ruslana Lyzhichko, former Ukrainian winner of the Eurovision Song Contest, democratic activist and Ambassador for 100% renewable energy.

Ruslana: “With your help, people in my country who are suffering so much in this war can for the first time get access to power without relying on foreign forces. Even in these difficult times, we strive for peaceful, for democratic renewable energy which allow Ukrainians to become energy independent.”

Dr. Andriy Konechenkov, Chairman of the Ukrainian Wind Energy Association and WWEA Vice President: “The people in our country need now all the humanitarian aid that is possible, and energy equipment is urgently needed.”

Dr. Franz Alt, Journalist and Author: “I support this call because we are helping the people of Ukraine to continue to have access to electricity in these terrible times of war. The sun does not send a bill, this sentence takes on a special meaning. The sun shines for all of us – free of charge, environmentally friendly and for all time.”

Hans-Josef Fell, President of the Energy Watch Group, former member of the German Parliament: “I support the call because self-sufficient energy supply is extremely important in this acute emergency. But also in the longer term, it is crucial for Ukraine’s well-being to get rid of energy imports and to use domestic renewable energies – this is how peace and stability are possible in the long term.”

Financial donations are also welcome and will be used to purchase such equipment. Please indicate renewables4ukraine:

Via bank transfer: DE27430609670034012800, GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG, 44774 Bochum, Germany, Account holder: WWEA e.V.

Via PayPal or Creditcard click here

For financial donations, WWEA can provide an official donation receipt which may reduce tax debts in some countries.