Building Blocks

Making 100% The New Normal

Tools are the key to progress…

Policy guidance on implementing the political target as well as assessing progress is crucial. Political decision makers and local champions need tools to realize the transformation within the sustainable development framework. Therefore, it is essential to provide a comprehensive definition of the meaning of 100% RE and to develop the necessary steps, guiding principles and tools to implement a 100% RE plan.

At the same time, communities and local governments must be assisted in how to measure the success of their efforts via effective monitoring and benchmarking. Neighbourhoods, cities and regions need to be assured that a 100% RE future will address income inequality and contribute to the creation of social wellbeing and the long-term protection of our ecosystems. In order to address these key issues, members and supporters of the Global 100% RE platform embarked on a multi-stakeholder consultation process, analysing available experiences and sharing lessons learned.

The documents you need…

The following documents lay out the results of this process, proposing a comprehensive collection of building blocks, which help realize and evaluate a sustainable transition towards 100% renewable energy. These building blocks are applicable across jurisdictions with various geographical, political, social, cultural and economic conditions and provide guidance for policy makers, governments and community champions to develop their own 100% RE roadmap.

The ultimate ambition is to create a living document that can serve as an interactive tool box for stakeholders worldwide. This means creating a set of workable building blocks that can be adapted and modified as appropriate to fit particular local contexts. These building blocks serve as guidance when developing 100% RE roadmaps and strategies as well as a monitoring and benchmarking tool for mapping progress towards the achievement of the 100% RE goal.

100% RE Building Blocks:
The Full Report
Quick Overview:
Read The Executive Summary
Ready to use:
Print your own toolkit