#WorldREnewDay launched:
Celebrating 100% Renewable Energy
- Mayor of UNFCCC Host City Bonn aims at 100% Renewable Energy
- Dalai Lama supports 100% Renewable Energy
- Famous Pakistan singer Arieb Azhar introduced as new Global100RE Ambassador
The Global 100% Renewable Energy Platform, renewable energy ambassador and former ESC winner Ruslana, and the Fridays for Future movement joined with a large number of supporting organisations in launching a new annual day celebrating a renewable energy world, free of gratuitous carbon emissions.
To be held on the summer solstice every year from this year on, the event brings together the renewable energy community and all citizens and organisations calling for action towards a 100% renewable energy future. Together, the vision of 100% renewable energy will be made the new normal.

Held this year in conjunction with the UNFCC climate meetings SB50 in Bonn, messages were presented by speakers from around the world including Ashok-Alexander Sridharan (Mayor of Bonn), Tasneem Essop (Climate Action Network-International), Simone Peter (Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energien), Hans-Josef Fell (Energy Watch Group), Thomas Cierpka (IFOAM – Organics International), Karen Raymond and James Leon Meyer (FridaysForFuture), Andriy Konechenkov (Ukrainian Wind Energy Association), Rian van Staden (Global 100% RE Platform) and David Renne (International Solar Energy Society). They all highlighted the urgency of the switch to renewables and the benefits of such a move.
Stefan Gsaenger, Global100RE Executive Committee member and Secretary General of the World Wind Energy Association, noted “The first World REnew Day has been a great success, with speakers and artists from around the world starting the new renewable energy culture and a global audience with hundreds of participants. We were especially pleased about the many delegates of the UN Climate Change conference which have seen with their own eyes and heard with their own ears that the switch to renewables is not only helping the climate but has a deep, enriching cultural dimension.”
Global100RE Ambassador Ruslana, winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2004 for Ukraine: “The first #WorldREnewDay that took place in front of the World Conference Center Bonn and not far from the UNFCCC Secretariat has been launched in response to the question regarding what we need to do to save the planet. We demonstrated that salvation is at hand! Moreover, it isn’t just the solution, and it is the mission for life.”
The organisers highly welcomed the announcement by Ashok-Alexander Sridharan, Mayor of the UNFCCC host city Bonn, who declared the city’s intention of achieving 100% renewable energy “We want 100% renewable energy and climate justice as soon as possible. Therefore, Bonn commits to get to 100% climate neutrality and 100% renewable energy by 2050”.
The renowned German journalist Franz Alt brought a message from the Dalai Lama, who has joined those calling for 100% renewable energy: “Dear friends in Bonn: I wish and pray that we will realize that we must take greater care of the earth. Not before we understand that our earth is like a mother, Mother Earth, will we give her the necessary care. Today the entire human family must unite in a sustainable, holistic and ecological community, cooperating and cherishing our common house. I agree with you: 100% renewable energy is our future!”

On the occasion of #WorldREnewDay, the popular Pakistani musician Arieb Azhar was appointed a Global100RE Ambassador by the Global 100% Renewable Energy Platform, commenting “I believe that the only future is a renewable one in which human beings can take their rightful place as caretakers and guardians of this Earth and all that dwells on it.”
Hans-Josef Fell, President of the EnergyWatchGroup, stated: “The world needs and can manage 100% renewables until 2030, to avoid catastrophic climate disasters. We should celebrate WorldREnewDay now every year, to influence politicians, the private sector, and civil society to go 100% renewables by 2030.”
A stirring musical accompaniment to the event was provided by Ruslana, Arieb Azhar, and Bonn musician Makeda. Artistic accompaniment was provided in the form of a moving original artwork by Consuelo Mendez and a display of six parachutes for the planet painted by local school children, climate activists, and community groups.

The event was launched in conjunction with a new petition calling for 100% renewable energy worldwide. A link to the petition, a video overview of the event and more information on musicians and speakers can be found on the event website, at renewday.global100re.org
Held in Bonn on 22 June this year, in coming years the aim is for hundreds of parallel events around the world, #WorldREnewDay 2020 will be celebrated on 20 June 2020. At these events, art, music, science, politics and industry will join hands with private individuals in calling for action on moving renewable energy implementation and a new renewable culture forward.
The organisers extended their thanks to the management and staff of the World Conference Center Bonn and the Marriott Hotel Bonn for their valuable support to the #WorldREnewDay
More information:
Rian van Staden, Global 100% Renewable Energy Platform
[email protected]
Bonn, Germany
1st July 2019